Moments that inspire me are often moments with my family, hearing from God, thought provoking things that people say or I come across in reading. In my travel this first week of May, I have encountered moments that have inspired, one that stands out to me as I read 1 Peter 4 at 3am in the morning has to do with using our gifts for what God has intended it. • My true North to ignite in others a can do mindset and a will do attitude is taking me places and immersing me in diverse conversations. When I get asked “must be hard to leave your family and come over here right?” My first expression is to smile, not a smile masking something but a genuine smile of joy. My family is my strength and God is my bedrock, my foundation. I take them with me while living in my purpose…using my gifts… so yes, it is ‘hard’ but there is joy…a whole lot of joy knowing that my family is fulfilled even in my absence, God sustains them…He sustains me. • When you have a great foundation and understanding of peace, joy and purpose, what tugs at your heart isnt what keeps you up at night, what tugs at your heart is what thrives you, moves you, keeps you going. 💖 ~Kate