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New Year! Change is Real and Constant: 5 Lessons That Will Bring You Peace Through It All

Dear Friend,

Going into this New Year, I absolutely handed all planning, all knowing, all understanding to God. 2016 was the year I truly found my purpose and 2017 is the year I live out this purpose…how to live FREE in Christ as a wife, a mom, career woman and help others do the same. Last week, my freedom in Christ was tested and I must say it opened my eyes to my need for more of Him everyday. As I maneuver through changes at work, the uncertainty of new relationships and networks; one thing is certain…with eagerness, determination and enthusiasm, I will humbly put my feet in motion. I want to freely serve God all the days of my life. Through the changes, through the uncertainties, through the storms, through the rain, through the stagnation, through the silence I want to continue to serve Him.

Here are 5 lessons I have learned as a result of the change events:

  1. When God interrupts your life, it is because He is either preparing you for something greater or He is making you aware of the need to be uncomfortable in order to receive your intended blessing.

  2. Sometimes when change happens, past the initial shock, anger, bargaining you get to the compromise and acceptance stages where your mind is clear for you to make meaningful decisions. You shouldn’t make decisions out of negative emotions; they will always lead to regret.

  3. When a change causes your pride to rear its ugly head, the best antidote is to go to the Word and search your heart. Try to understand the real feelings behind the pride. It could be a valid emotion but you are expressing or channeling it the wrong way. Think logically about your decision making on the change and ensure that whatever decision you make isn’t out of contempt, bitterness or ill-will.

  4. The change may be good for the initiators but isn’t or wouldn’t be good for you. In this case, work at your current situation with all your heart, work with your new members in the network not against them, and ensure your actions while at the current situation promotes a Christ like experience. Remember God is either preparing you or has brought some awareness/wake-up call; while you work diligently in your current situation, seek His Word and ask Him to lead and guide you to your next blessing.

  5. Seasons come and seasons go, no change is permanent, no situation is constant; remember you are a proverbs 31 woman, a Romans 8 warrior sister, the spirit leads you into and out of each season. Let the spirit be your counselor and when the season for elevation arrives, you will be ready to usher into it.

When my heart was troubled last week, John 14:27 comforted me, gave me hope because He says “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” My heart is now at peace with these sudden changes work and I am pleasantly thankful for His signal – signal to faithfully prepare, humbly obey and prayerfully move on towards my year of elevation.

Friend, it doesn’t matter what the New Year has brought thus far- is it a sudden change event, is it uncertainty, is it confusion…I hope you put your feet in motion and allow God to elevate you to your next level of greatness.

Be Blessed, Stay FREE,



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