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My Gift to you…

I witnessed the most priceless innocent expression of satisfaction on Christmas morning; one that is etched in my mind forever. My baby girl’s reaction to her newly minted play area decked with Frozen doll house, a mini library, a colorful arts and crafts table…is a reaction that is bringing smiles to my face again this morning. I was tempted to grab my phone and capture the moment instantaneously and share with the whole world…but then a still small voice whispered to me that this moment doesn’t need capturing, my being in it with her, my senses registering every crack of giggles and smiles; registering every quick movement to touch everything in her sight was all the capturing I needed to do. It was a moment, which is now a priceless memory that will stay with me forever.


This got me thinking about you, my friend who takes time to read my blogs. I want to first thank you for subscribing and following my FREE life in Christ. When I started the blog, I wanted it to be an avenue through which I could write about my life. As I reflect on the best gift I ever received on Christmas morning, I can’t help but plan for the New Year and what my ministry through blogging will be about. Just like my Christmas gift, I want to gift to you my faithful reader and friend and vice versa, a chance for us to live this FREE life in Christ together. My gift to you is a regular letter sent into your inbox which will contain priceless memories from my heart to yours. I have realized that social media while it has its upsides, also shapes us into sharing only the parts of life that are good. Well, you and I know that there is more to life than a selfie here, a 15-sec video there. My writing to you regularly is my way of sharing the good and the challenging parts of living FREE in Christ. These will be priceless memories that money can’t buy.

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Sometimes we allow other things to become a priority and we forget what the important priorities are. In the New Year 2017, it is my prayer that you set an effective plan to live life fully and beautifully fulfilled; keep your priorities above making money and make priceless memories first. God, Family, and everything else…in that order. This will bring you much peace and joy to last forever. I hope that as you read my letters, you will respond by commenting and engaging so we uplift each other. I look forward to growing FREE in Christ with you.

Be Blessed, Stay FREE,



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