Happy New Year 2020 beautiful hearts. The year 2019 was a year of bold moves, primarily in my thoughts and perspectives on life. How many of you reading this post today know that nothing happens by chance, or in a vacuum? Someone bigger, more powerful than you and I orders our steps everyday. Craig Groeschel says it best in his sermon at Life Church “you were made for significance not just survival”. The time I heard this statement I was desperately caught in a quandary over some decisions that I needed to make.
As I sat in meeting after meeting that fateful day in Dallas, TX working on strategic Change Management process and plans for business leaders and teams, I felt a tug at my heart. This was a tug that I had wrestled with myself about – to heed and obey the call on my life. There are the passions that I enjoy and there is a call that God has placed on my life and is looking and waiting for that obedience to go and do. As this tug grew stronger I was taken into a trancelike place where it was death. As I stood there, seeing a tombstone I heard this voice say “what do you want it to say? What would you be known for?” At that moment I was brought back to the present and it was in that space, in that moment that I knew it was time.
Time to move, time to obey, time to change, time to say “yes Lord”. Just as quickly as I whispered “yes Lord”, in that same speed, the enemy flooded my mind with fear and doubt. But here’s one thing you have to believe about thoughts; you can change your thoughts. Yes, affirm what you know to be the truth spoken on your life by the most high God, and refute the lies that condemn and keep you stuck…bound.
I made the decision to move and place all dominoes (plans and steps) in His hands. In making this move there were some truths I had to affirm constantly:
1) God knows the plans He has for me (and you) they are plans for good (Jeremiah 29:11) therefore, I will receive only what is apportioned to me from heaven i.e. what is mine shall be mine (John 3:27)
2) Never give up. Seek wisdom. His Word says to ask and He will give generously. He will not rebuke us for asking (James 1:5) … we shouldn’t ask based on wrong motives or passions, ask based on what His will is for your life.
3) Just start with the next best step and start with only that which the Lord entrusts me with to start. The tug on my heart was the longing for slowing down to allow my heart to put my faith to work. My faith has to be fully realized through God’s calling which is to see every woman and young girl set FREE through His son Jesus Christ. In the process of obeying His call, I also want prioritize and enjoy my kids growing up and expand my knowledge of leadership…which I believe are all part of His masterplan. It felt daunting and overwhelming at first, so what I did was look at each stream and identified the steps. I prayed and asked God to show me the next best steps…and He did.
4) Believe that all things shall work together for your good – be steadfast in prayer, believing that He has already done it.
5) Understand there is growth where there is discomfort, and in that discomfort new strength, new muscle, new life is birthed.
So I took a bold step at the beginning of this year to make changes, one being my job to allow me the bandwidth needed to pursue those life impacting streams underpinned by my faith.
For the first time in my fourteen-year career in corporate America, I resigned and felt that it honored God, it was more of Him and less of me. It felt right, it was an act of obedience. And also for the first time, I freely poured my heart out to colleagues and the responses were nothing short of encouraging; the pinnacle of that being when one business leader asked to pray over me…in the workplace…in my office…which I responded in the affirmative “of course!” I felt the Holy Spirit in that moment…oh!
Beautiful hearts, what is that which tugs at your heart? You know what it is. Is it freedom? Is it healing? Is it finding your purpose? Is it knowing your calling? Is it making a change? Whatever the tug is, you cannot step into it and fulfill it without first knowing where that tug is coming from. You must trust and obey, you must speak life, you must know Jesus “the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)
I wish you a blessed 2020 and decade.
With heartfelt love,