Dear Friend,
I woke up to what is being described as ‘the most shocking Presidential Election of our time’. I see that you are upset, shocked, surprised, scared and right now you are filling your mind with fearful thoughts of the uncertain future. But has the future ever been certain? If you have never been able to predict with 100 percent certainty the next minute of your life, what makes you think that the future of a whole nation is 100 percent predictable? Have you forgotten that every system, every analytical theory and tool, every mathematical equation laid out to predict certainty was created by man? And what have you learned about man? That humans are – unpredictable; that human beings’ actions will always speak louder than their words; that you are to trust no man!!!
So my dear friend, I ask you to wipe that disappointing look off your face, shake off that surprised smirk, rid your mind off those fearful scenarios about your future and the future of this country. Pick yourself up! First thank the Lord that you live in a country where you have freedom – even if the definition of freedom is subjective… Secondly, how about you put your trust in the One who has never let you down and has always been the permanent factor of all the seasons past and those yet to come? His Word is truth and His actions are righteous and just. He is predictable because He never changes to please no one, and harbors no selfish intent. He is the constant in your life in a world filled with mischief and disappointments. God’s plans give you hope and a future. Thirdly, please know that this too shall pass. The next few days, weeks, do not listen to worldly propaganda and the opinions of man. I implore you to take the time to reflect on your own life and where your eternal life is promised. Nothing lasts forever on this earth! The democracy you enjoy and live in made this outcome possible and now a reality. A reality you must live in with love, respect, kindness, forgiveness and ask God to give you wisdom and understanding to live in this reality.
My friend, be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9). Now go love on your children, your spouses/partners, your family, your friends, your neighbor, your community because whatever happens at the top, you can in your own small ways effect Godly change and live peacefully in God’s Kingdom here on earth.
May God’s peace that surpasses all understanding be with you today and always!