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The Chief Joy Activator Blog

How to Embrace Uncertainty and Discover Joy of God in Everyday Challenges
On November 9th, 2016, I wrote a blog right after the presidential election that left most citizens shocked! You can read it here . What...

7 Practical Ways to Become Aware of Your Thoughts
The first thing I do every time I sit down to put my thoughts on ‘paper’ - be it journaling, blogging, writing, or scripting - is to...

How to be a Great Friend to a Grieving Heart
I typed and sent the text message to a sister who had just lost her mother. Days later, I received a message, then a phone call about the...

Part 2: How to Fight For the Life You Want
2016 At the peak of my healing journey of choosing to fight! That little also me. “You are either going to choose divorce or...

Doing What You Don’t Want to Do To Get The Results You Want
(Kate in London, 2019) What is it that you know you need to do but at the same time you don’t want to do? But you know it is beneficial...

You Can Still Fight For The Life You Want
Summer 2016 “My prayer God is that you make in me a new creation, that you cause me to look within and address why this bitterness in my...

Overcoming 'Imposter Syndrome'
The year 2020 will forever be etched in my memory as the year I gained clarity about the one question that stumps many people when they...

Chapter 38: Something Else Under the Sun
I have seen something else under the sun... Humans are a reflection of the image of God A true image of God holding the Spirit of God in...

Gear Up in the Wait!
Earlier this year 2021, I had high hopes for a writing project I was working on. I poured my whole heart into it; most of 2020 was my...

3 Steps to Living with Clear Uncertainty
To hold your hands again, Daddy… Daddy, I don’t think I will ever be ready to pour out from the depths of my heart what aches when I...

How is Your Heart?
If you could truly see my heart decades ago, we wouldn’t be friends, you would have shunned me. Nobody likes conditional love; a selfish...

When the storms of life roar, let your soul roar louder!!!
Leaving church anticipating family date day. Sunday January 26th, 2020 was family day for me and my crew. We packed up my soon to be...
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